Enjoy looking through my resources. Most of them are suitable for EYFS/ Year 1 though there are some others for older children. Follow my Instagram @LittleWildLearners for lots of teaching and outdoor learning ideas.
Enjoy looking through my resources. Most of them are suitable for EYFS/ Year 1 though there are some others for older children. Follow my Instagram @LittleWildLearners for lots of teaching and outdoor learning ideas.
A weeks worth of work to be sent home for home learning while schools are closed. This is a document for parents to follow to lead short, practical activities with their child. It includes:
One name recognition and writing task per day (5 in total)
One Phase 1 phonics activity per day (5 in total)
One maths activity per day (counting items accurately focus) (5 in total)
All activities have clear instructions for parents to follow and use resources easily found or made at home. It includes advice for parents on one to one counting and letter formation. Each activity has a suggested time it should take.
I sent this home to nursery children during COVID 19 school closure alongside a seperate sheet of topic based activities (not included)
Phase 3 ‘oa’ presentation and reading activity + phase 3 digraph bingo
Fun presentation to teach Phase 3 ‘oa’ (as in goat) with activities.
There is a recap Phase 3 graphemes bingo boards for a starter, reading activities within the presentation and an active reading football game which is differentiated for reading words or sentences which include ‘oa’.
Note- to complete the reading activity you will need a ball and some space e.g. a hall or outdoors.
Everything you need for a whole phonics lesson or session on the ‘ear’ phoneme and grapheme.
Printable activity cards for ‘splat’ game to recap some phase 2 and 3 tricky words.
Presentation for teaching ‘ear’ (Phase 3 phonics). There are lots of opportunities for interaction from the children and opportunities for them to practise reading skills.
Paired reading activity.
Fun writing activity - Children dress up in beards and ears to reinforce their learning to complete the activity. Required dressing up props are provided to be printed for this- its nice and interactive and fun, perfect for EYFS (my class loved it!)
Evidence from this activity can be used towards:
Literacy (writing)
Physical Development (moving and handling)
UTW (Technology)- if children photograph themselves in their costumes!
As this is a whole session it could be used for remote learning too.
A presentation introducing ‘igh’ (Phase 3). This can be used for whole group teaching. This includes starter recap activity where children read Tricky Words to gain stars. It then introduces ‘igh’ as a phoneme and grapheme, through its use in single words, then within sentences with lots of reading opportunities for the children. There are then 2 activities for the children to complete: a naughts and crosses reading game which can be done as a whole group or in pairs, then a writing activity with self assessment opportunity.
I used with Reception but could be used with any age group learning or recapping the ‘igh’ sound in phonics.
Could easily be used for remote learning too.
2 weeks of home learning activities to practice Phase 3 phonemes and graphemes with notes to support and guide parents to deliver the activities at home.
All activities only use items available at home - no printing or specific resources needed (just a pen, paper, old cereal box or card and a stick of chalk). All activities are practical and active with lots of fun opportunities for reading and writing.
This resource includes:
10 activities (2 weeks worth, one per day) to support Phase 3 phonics. These include lots of opportunities for reading and writing skills and full instructions for parents.
List of Phase 3 graphemes for parents information, with support and glossary of phonics terms (e.g. phoneme, digraph).
List of suggested words to use in the activities which contain Phase 3 graphemes.
25 space picture fact cards.
Each card contains a picture and a fact.
Perfect for display or to use within topic work or play setups to create interest and reading opportunities.
Phase 2 graphemes on power point slides ready to be printed A4 and laminated and used as flashcards for all kinds of phonics games or display. They are winter or snow flake themed. Great to support reading, writing or oral phonics work.
Phase 2 grapheme handwriting support cards. A star shows children where to start to form the letter. These can be printed and used as worksheets or laminated and used with drywipe pens. They are great for putting on the writing table or in the provision for all kinds of practical phonics fun e.g. making graphemes from play dough.
PDF resource
See my shop for winter themes maths resources including some FREE Frozen resources which may match your topic too.
For lots of practical Early Years ideas follow me on Instagram @LittleWildLearners
‘Christmas’ themed home learning tasks for Nursery or Reception (Early Years)There are a total of 18 activities that can easily be done at home split over two sheets. Activities are practical using items children will have at home. There are key questions to guide parents delivering the activities at home. The activities are topic based. They cover all areas of the EYFS curriculum. There are art projects, research ideas, movement, imaginative etc. There aren’t really stand alone phonics or number activities but these subjects are addressed in other activities e.g. where writing, stories, counting or measuring are involved.
I orignally sent out during Covid school/ bubble closures and asked children to complete 3 tasks a week, however, it could be easily used as a half termly or termly home learning sheet where children complete one task a week or similar.
This can also be used as a basis for activity planning for the topic or used by support or cover staff.
Everything you need for Pancake Day literacy! After children have watched a pancake being made (in real life or on a video) they will use the resources to write ingredients lists, order the steps and write instructions.
This resource fully editable and includes:
Pancake recipe booklet - instruction writing template
Photos of each step of making a pancake for children to cut out and stick on to their recipe booklet or ordering sheet
How to make a pancake- picture and step ordering activity
Pancake ingredients list
Write your own pancake ingredients list
Pancake Day word mat
The resource could cover multiple literacy lessons and/or can be used for differentiation.
Children will need the printed resource, pencils, scissors and glue.
For a free ‘design a pancake’ sheet to accompany this resource please see:
40 activities you can do at home to practise phonics!
Each activity is explained fully and only use common household items as resources. No printing required. All the activities will work for Phonic phases 2- 5 and most activities will work for practising tricky words (common exception words) too. Activities are practical and fun! Great for EYFS, KS1 or SEN.
Great for home learning or for using in school as they are adaptable for different phases.
There is also a jargon buster and top tips for parents or staff
14 Phase 2 phonics activity sheets giving opportunities for reading and writing of initial sounds, CVC words and sentences. There is also opportunities to demonstrate understanding of what the child has read.
Several activities are differentiated.
Activities include:
Read and colour - graphemes
Read a colour- common exception words
Say and write initial sounds
Read and match to the picture - CVC words
Read and match to the picture -Simple sentences
Read and match to the picture - Slightly more tricky sentences
Read and draw - CVC words
Read and Draw- simple sentences
Spell- CVC words
It is all Christmas themed with bright pictures and simple-to-read font.
Can be used as individual worksheets or the whole thing can be printed as a workbook.
Children can write or use magnetic letters to complete the spelling activities.
For matching Phase 2 flashcards and grapheme handwriting cards see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12610872
For lots of practical Early Years ideas follow me on Instagram @LittleWildLearners
This 14 page book is specially made so that young children or emerging readers can read, access and interpret the recipe as independently as possible. It uses simple instructions and measurements in ‘cups’ so that children can make the pancake mixture independently and really lead on their learning without using scales.
Also included are notes of how to use this resource
This resource is suitable for making pancakes on a hob and also has a FOREST SCHOOL alternative where recipe can be followed for pancakes cooked on a campfire.
For a teacher, independent activities like this are AMAZING to just sit back and watch (until the cooking part!). I model then put kids in a small mixed ability group and just watch and see how they get on. Its so interesting and I can really see who has which skills and how they interact in a group. Great for evidence in pretty much every area of the EYFS.
Lots of opportunities within an activity using this book for maths and literacy skill development.
Perfect for a non-fiction text suitable and accessible to early readers. Could be used for guided reading.
Could be used for home learning as children can access on a screen without printing.
EYFS, Nursery, Reception, KS1, SEN
Please note this is the same resource as: ‘Campfire pancakes recipe book Forest School Outdoor Learning‘
For a free ‘design a pancake’ sheet to accompany this resource please see: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/design-a-pancake-sheet-pancake-day-12481053
14 Phase 2 phonics activity sheets giving opportunities for reading and writing of initial sounds, CVC words and sentences. There is also opportunities to demonstrate understanding of what the child has read. There is a phase 2 grapheme mat which children can use for support. PDF resource.
Several activities are differentiated.
Activities include:
Read a colour- common exception words
Say and write initial sounds
Read and match to the picture - CVC words
Read and match to the picture - Sentences
Read and draw - CVC words
Read and Draw- Sentences
Spell- CVC words
It is all winter themed with photographic pictures and simple-to-read font.
Can be used as individual worksheets or the whole thing can be printed as a workbook.
Children can write or use magnetic letters to complete the spelling activities.
For matching Phase 2 flashcards and grapheme handwriting cards see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12617445
See my shop for winter themes maths resources including some FREE ‘Frozen’ resources which may match your topic too.
For lots of practical Early Years ideas follow me on Instagram @LittleWildLearners
5 activities designed to be used outside to get evidence of independent, child initiated reading activities. 3 are differentiated to 2 or 3 levels. This is show by colour so the same activity can be going on at different levels at the same time e.g. children with the purple sheet find the purple words, children with the orange sheet find the orange words. The other 2 can be differentiated by staff who can guide children to a suitable word/caption. Activities include phonetically decodable words and ‘tricky words’. Phase 2, Phase 3 and Phase 4 covered.
Activities require very little setting up apart from printing out the activities and cutting them up.
Activities include-
2x instructions for children to follow
1 x labeling activity
1x word hunt
1 x picture hunt (read and draw)
This 14 page book is specially made so that young children or emerging readers can read, access and interpret the recipe as independently as possible. It uses simple instructions and measurements in ‘cups’ so that children can make the pancake mixture independently and really lead on their learning without using scales. There are two options for cooking the pancakes either on a camp fire or on a hob- simply print the relevant pages.
Perfect for Pancake Day outdoor learning, this resource can be followed to cook pancakes on the camp fire.
Also included are notes of how to use this resource
For a teacher, independent activities like this are AMAZING to just sit back and watch (until the cooking part!). I model then put kids in a small mixed ability group and just watch and see how they get on. Its so interesting and I can really see who has which skills and how they interact in a group. Great for evidence in pretty much every area of the EYFS.
Lots of opportunities within an activity using this book for maths and literacy skill development.
Perfect for a non-fiction text suitable and accessible to early readers. Could be used for guided reading.
Could be used for home learning as children can access on a screen without printing.
EYFS, Nursery, Reception, KS1, SEN
Please note this is the same resource as: ‘Pancake Recipe book read it yourself home learning EYFS KS1 independent pancake activity ‘
For a free ‘design a pancake’ sheet to accompany this resource please see: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/design-a-pancake-sheet-pancake-day-12481053
Phase 2 phonics resource that includes differentiated Phase 2 Phonics. There are 5 activities for the interactive white board, 12 differentiated worksheets and picture cards with 5 practical activities to use them for.
Learning objectives covered in interactive white board activities:
identify initial phonemes and graphemes
read CVC words
spell CVC words
read Phase 2 Tricky Words
read Phase 2 sentences
Learning objectives covered in worksheets/ activities
identify initial phonemes and corresponding graphemes (satpin only)
identify initial phonemes and corresponding graphemes (all phase 2)
read CVC words (phase 2)
write CVC words (phase 2)
read sentences (phase 2)
write sentences (phase 2)
make CVC words (phase 2)
read and understand words
read and understand sentences
Children have the opportunity to practise and learn reading and writing skills in fun, interactive ways suitable for young learners learning Phase 2 phonics.
A great 21 page resource for an independent baking activity used in Reception (though could be used with children of other ages, particularly Year 1 or children with SEND).
I modelled how to make the pies to my class, then put them in small, mixed ability groups to make the pies. I did not help them at all unless they were really stuck and came to ask for help (except with the oven!) They knew that they had to help each other instead. It was amazing how well they did! The children demonstrated fantastic mathematical language, teamwork, communication and problem solving skills. I do an independent baking tasks every so often as an assessment method. It’s a great activity to observe for assessment purposes.
This pack includes:
• Recipe slides which can be used on the board to demonstrate to the children what they need to do, then be printed to create a recipe book. Recipe is written as simply as possible (higher ability Reception children should be able to read most of it) and represented in pictures too. All measurements are in scoops or spoonfuls so the children can measure out themselves.
• Printable ‘design a mince pie’ writing/ drawing/ labelling sheet
• Teacher tips and planning (including scoop sizes etc. so you can resource the activity so the recipe works!)
EYFS areas covered within this resource :
Communication and language (following instructions, communicating ideas)
Physical development
Shape, space and measure
This is a pdf resource.
For more EYFS inspiration follow @LittleWildLearners on Instagram.
Printable flash cards with Phase 2 phonemes on.
Printable grapheme cards to support handwriting - each has a star on where the child must start forming the letter.
I print and laminate these to use over and over again. I use dry-wipe pens on the laminated grapheme cards.
A great resource for an independent baking activity used in Reception (though could be used with children of other ages). I modeled how to make the cakes to my class, then put them in small, mixed ability groups to make the buns/ cupcakes. I did not help them at all unless they were really stuck and came to ask for help (except with the oven!) They knew that they had to help each other instead. It was amazing how well they did! The children demonstrated fantastic mathematical language, teamwork, communication and problem solving skills. Some
This pack includes:
recipe slides which can be used on the board to demonstrate to the children what they need to do, then be printed to create a recipe book. Recipe is written as simply as possible (higher ability Reception children should be able to read it) and represented in pictures too. All measurements are in scoops or spoonfuls so the children can measure out themselves.
Design a cupcake writing/ drawing/ labeling sheet
Ingredients list writing task sheet.
Teacher notes and planning (including scoop sizes etc. so you can resource the activity so the recipe works!)
EYFS areas covered within this resource :
Communication and language (following instructions, communicating ideas e.g. how to crack an egg)
Physical development
Shape, space and measure
A great resource for an independent play dough making activity used in Reception (though could be used with children of other ages). I modeled how to make the play dough to my class, then the children accessed it themselves. I gave as little help as possible. Children make own play dough regularly. This allows
fantastic mathematical language, teamwork, communication and problem solving skills.
This pack includes:
recipe slides which can be used on the board to demonstrate to the children what they need to do, then be printed to create a recipe book. Recipe is written as simply as possible (higher ability Reception children should be able to read it) and represented in pictures too. All measurements are in cups or spoonfuls so the children can measure out themselves.
Design a play dough creation writing/ drawing/ labeling sheet
Ingredients list writing task sheet.
Challenge sheet for continuous provision
Teacher notes and planning (including scoop sizes etc. so you can resource the activity so the recipe works!)
EYFS areas covered within this resource :
Communication and language (following instructions, communicating ideas e.g. how to crack an egg)
Physical development
Shape, space and measure